Meet Our Pro-Staff

We are proud to have these experienced tournament fishermen, guides, and well-known regional boaters, as part of Shockwave’s Pro-Staff team. These folks use our products every time they are out on the water, and they are available to talk to you about their experience using Shockwave suspension bases.

John Keizer

Salt Patrol

Capt. John Keizer, creator of Saltpatrol.com and a well-known outdoor writer for local fishing magazines but is best known as the Captain of the Team Lowrance boat “Salt Patrol”. John is regularly seen on Angler West TV fishing for NW species or fishing at destinations around the world. He has a passion for introducing new anglers to the sport.

Jeremy Reeves

Elite Fishing Series Angler

Jeremy Reeves has been fishing Tournaments since he was 15 years old: Mostly Saltwater chasing Redfish, but has been known to go after the occasional Large Mouth Bass from time to time. His love for the elusive tournament sized Redfish (Red Drum) began back in 2007 during his first major tournament on his home waters of Sabine Lake. Since that day, he’s been hooked and currently fishes the Elite Fishing Series Solo Tour (much like BassMaster Elites). Soon, he will transition into an MLF style format for Redfish, which is sure to test his patience and skill! Traveling all along the Gulf of Mexico coastlines can definitely test your equipment and your body. That’s why Jeremy chooses the Shockwave S5 Seat mounted to a Shockwave Sentinel (now S5-AL) Base to ease tensions within the body during those long runs through the gnarly bays of Texas and Louisiana.

Travis White

Keweenaw Charter Fishing Company

Travis grew up surrounded by the outdoors in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and has been fishing the Northern Great Lakes for over 20 years. His fishing business, Keweenaw Charter Fishing Company, is located in Michigan’s historic Keweenaw Peninsula, surrounded by Lake Superior, the largest freshwater lake in the world. Travis specializes in targeting trout and salmon species.
Shockwave Ambassador Sturgeon Slayers

Kevin Estrada

Sturgeon Slayers

Guiding you through the stunning Fraser River canyon is professional guide and owner of Sturgeon Slayers, Kevin Estrada.

BJ Silvia

Flippin Out Charters

Captain BJ Silvia of Flippin Out Fishing Charters (located in Portsmouth, Rhode Island) has been fishing Newport, Block Island and Narragansett Bay his whole life.

Robbie Taylor

Newport Sport Fishing Charters

Captain Robert Taylor (USCG Licensed) of Newport Sport Fishing Charters located out of in Newport, Rhode Island, and has been fishing the waters off Newport, Block Island, Narragansett Bay and the off-shore waters of the south coast for over 20 years. A Newport resident, he has extensive knowledge of the southern New England waters; and prides himself on finding fish and ensuring his customers leave with a great hands on, educational fishing experience. A winner of the “On the Water” Striper Cup, Monster Shark Tournament and Run and Gun Bluefin Shoot Out, Fluke Till ya Puke, and Fall Tog Classic, captain Rob steams to where the fish are biting. Captain Rob has been featured On the Water TV and Season on the Edge with Ken Baldwin. Although he is busy commercial and charter fishing, in his free time he is surf casting at his new secret fishing spot, to find out where and when the big bass are – locations he will come in to the rocks for his fishing charters.
Shockwave Ambassador Brendan Morrison

Brendan Morrison

Reel West Coast TV

Brendan grew up in Vancouver, BC, Canada and developed a love for fishing at an early age. A career in the NHL delayed his full time fishing career but now he has more time to get out on the water! Currently, Brendan is the host of Reel West Coast and has had the privilege to fish waters around the world. Brendan views fishing as therapy and as a time to connect to the outdoors while disconnecting from the instant demands of today’s world. Chasing fish in the ocean, rivers or lakes brings many different challenges that are unique to each location. Brendan describes the adrenaline rush from a fish biting your presentation as electric and his goal is to encourage people of all ages, to get out on the water and experience that feeling to create lifelong memories.

Adam Petnuch

Reel Dream Fishing Charters

Adam Petnuch caught the love for fishing in the north woods of Wisconsin when he was just a kid. His dad took him fishing up there on the weekends. When he was 21, he moved to Florida to follow his dream of starting a fishing charter business! He applied for his USCG Captains license at the age of 22 and started his business in 2016. Reel Dream Fishing Charters is based out of Saint Augustine FL and they fish around 100+ days per year offshore on the Atlantic Ocean. These waters can become extremely rough and take a toll on Adam and his crew after days on the water! The Shockwave suspension bases provide comfort to Adam’s crew and customers for our 60+ mile runs to the fishing grounds. Their 32-foot Grady White is equipped with nothing but the best for their customers, including Shockwave’s suspension bases.

Ryan Chamberland

Vancouver Island Lodge

Ryan Chamberland has been working on guiding in the sport fishing industry and working in marine stewardship activities on the west coast since 20 years old, giving him plenty of experience in the marine environment and industry.  Ryan founded the Vancouver Island Lodge in 2014 in his hometown of Sooke, providing fishing packages to clients from around the world.  Ryan also started Ryan Sea Marine which encompasses working with T’Sou-ke Nation’s Marine and Guardian Team, Coastal Restoration Society in a multitude of environmental related projects, and boat building.  When Ryan is not working, he is typically chasing pelagic fish in Tofino, Nova Scotia, and Mexico between rounds of golf.

Adrian O’Connor

Reel Obsession Sport Fishing

Adrian spends almost 200 days a year as a fishing guide on Vancouver Island based in Zeballos. His uncle invited him to Zeballos 16 years ago and it has been his home every summer since; that’s how his career started. Now it’s his turn to pass the rod over. He runs Reel Obsession with world class guided fishing for Salmon, Halibut, Tuna, and Rock Fish. They are uniquely located in the migration path of the Chinook salmon, Reel Obsession features career guides steeped in the local fishery resulting in consistent big catches backed with world-class service and accommodation.

Scott Bulat

Bulat Outdoors

Scott has been an avid angler from a young age. He grew up in Alberta spending the weekends fishing at his family cottage. He was very passionate about fishing from a young age and this grew deeper as he grew older. Now he enjoys taking new fishermen out and especially likes getting children out on the water and getting them hooked on fishing. Scott is involved in the local fishing community sharing lots of information, such as tips and tricks in sporting goods and fishing stores. This summer will be his 3rd year competing in the Western Canadian Walleye Trail in Northern Alberta.
Shockwave Pro Staff Wade Dayley

Wade Dayley

Bear Cove Cottages Fishing Destination

Wade has had a passion for fishing his entire life. Growing up in Port Hardy, he’s spent over 25 years fishing in and around Port Hardy. This passion is what lead him to build his own fishing resort and opened Bear Cove Cottages in 2002. Now 18 years later him and his top notch guides continue to provide first class experiences and life long fishing memories to all of their guests. Port Hardy and it’s fishing grounds is located on one of the last migration points for all 5 salmon species on the northern tip of Vancouver Island. The area is also well known for it’s fantastic Halibut, Lingcod and Rockfish fishing.

Mike Barksdale

Fish On Extreme

Mike Barksdale has been on a boat since he was a toddler with his parents, fishing primarily off the Oregon coast. They fished for salmon, rockfish, and sturgeon. When Mike turned 16, he ventured off on his own with the boat and went offshore to catch whatever he could get to bite my hooks. He turned my passion for fishing into a business, and started guiding in 2005. Mike’s reward is not financially driven: His reward is being able to share memorable fishing experiences with his clients. He gets the same feeling watching a client catch a fish, as he does when he catches a fish himself. He loves what he does and hopes to continue sharing his love of fishing for years to come through his guiding business – Fish On Extreme. He currently fishes the waters in Neah Bay/Pacific Ocean from March-May, catching Chinook; and the waters in Washington/Pacific Ocean from June-October fishing Halibut, Sturgeon, Salmon, Tuna, Rockfish, and Crab; and in the Columbia River fishing Salmon & Sturgeon.

Gibran White

Reel Obsession Sport Fishing

Gibran has been both a fresh and saltwater fishing guide starting at the early age of 18 and has done that for 35 years now, still operating and living on Vancouver Island. Gibran is currently the Head Guide for Reel Obsession Sport Fishing, located in the heart of Zeballos. Reel Obsession operates a fleet of fully guided offshore boats on the west coast and offers everything from light tackle in-shore buck tailing for large Coho to 50 mile off shore Albacore tuna trips as well as everything in between. Gibran takes great pride in being able to share his knowledge and experience with the youth of our industry of tomorrow, both through the training of younger up and coming guides as well as taking his own kids and their friends fishing on a regular basis. Gibran is heavily involved with enhancement and habitat projects up and down the island, including community-based volunteer projects, which again involve dealing with and educating our youth of the importance of maintaining and managing the future of wild salmon stocks on Vancouver Island and as an active member of SFAC.

Trey Baker

Southbound Tournament Fishing Charters

Capt. Trey Baker was born and raised in Pensacola Fl. Unlike most guides , Capt Trey wasn’t born into a fishing family. It wasn’t until the age of 16 that he really started saltwater fishing. After a couple years he got very competitive and started a fishing team in college. Playing sports his whole life made him a competitor and wanting to be the best at things he cared about. The first year fishing as a team they placed in a few inshore tournaments. The following year he started offshore fishing and never looked back.

Mark Coleman

All Rivers and Saltwater Charters

Mark Coleman is a lifetime fisherman and diver whose passion led to starting a fishing guide and charter service in Washington State at the age of 23. 16 years later, his operations include a fleet of 29’-42’ Defiance boats in Washington and an operation at Los Suenos Marina in Costa Rica, Central America.
Shockwave Ambassador Tim Milne

Tim Milne

Big Coast TV

From an auspicious start fishing the bass, pike and muskie lakes of Northern Ontario, Milne has spent the past two decades plying his angling passion on the West Coast of British Columbia. From Haida Gwaii to Vancouver Island, Milne and his Big Coast TV Crew have chased trophy Chinook salmon and a veritable saltwater buffet inshore, offshore and anywhere a big aluminum boat will take you. As a veteran TV producer, Milne and company fish salmon and tuna derbies through summer months in Pacific Northwest and rock the Big Coast every chance they get! Big Coast – the very best in saltwater sportfishing TV adventure from the Wild West Coast.

Corbin hames

Corbin Hames is a Southern California native who started freshwater fishing at a young age fishing his local lakes a few times a week. He started fishing the local bass tournaments until Southern California drought conditions lowered lake levels and he shifted his focus to saltwater fishing. He now fishes his commercial Radon boat offshore out of Channel Islands and Ventura. He typically fishes the Channel Islands which is known for flat seas going out and big following seas back to shore. However, in the summer he ventures down south to San Clemente, Catalina, and San Nicholas Island when bluefin and other pelagics are around. Some of the offshore runs for pelagics can be 100 miles each way, making it a 14-16 hour day on the water. On these long offshore runs the conditions often change quickly and can make for a long ride home in some pretty rough conditions. This is where his new Shockwave seats play a huge role in keeping him and his passengers comfortable for the long haul in.

Kevin Payne

Spending almost his entire life in Southeast Michigan, Kevin Payne has been in the midst of some of the greatest fishing in the world. Calling the Detroit River and Lake Erie his home waters which allows for months each year of chasing walleye in the greatest spawning run in the river and the greatest population of walleye in the lake. Just to the north, Lake St. Clair is also reachable and the Smallmouth Bass mecca as well as probably the best Musky fishery in the world. The St. Clair River and Saginaw Bay and Lake Huron also play into the mix as well as cold water species in Lake Michigan and Traverse Bay. All of these are BIG water and the Shockwave S5’s on his Ranger 620 FS make life much easier than in years past. Kevin has been tournament fishing since the 90’s in the Michigan Walleye Tour, Downriver Walleye Federation, Team Walleye, and other trails and events as well. A dedicated multi-species fisherman, he started fishing the tours with his father and now continuing the tradition fishing with his son Travis.

Team Barton

Cody and Charlie Barton fish nurmerous tournaments in Texas and Louisiana every year. They were recently named 2019 Rudy’s Redfish Series Team of the Year as well as 2019 Legends Team of the Year. This year, they were invited to fish the Redfish World Series and ended up 10th out of 50 teams from all over the US. Moreover, they were named 2020 IFA Texas Team of the Year!

John Keizer

Salt Patrol

Capt. John Keizer, creator of Saltpatrol.com and a well-known outdoor writer for local fishing magazines but is best known as the Captain of the Team Lowrance boat “Salt Patrol”. John is regularly seen on Angler West TV fishing for NW species or fishing at destinations around the world. He has a passion for introducing new anglers to the sport.
Shockwave Ambassador Sturgeon Slayers

Kevin Estrada

Sturgeon Slayers

Guiding you through the stunning Fraser River canyon is professional guide and owner of Sturgeon Slayers, Kevin Estrada.

BJ Silvia

Flippin Out Charters

Captain BJ Silvia of Flippin Out Fishing Charters (located in Portsmouth, Rhode Island) has been fishing Newport, Block Island and Narragansett Bay his whole life.

Robbie Taylor

Newport Sport Fishing Charters

Captain Robert Taylor (USCG Licensed) of Newport Sport Fishing Charters located out of in Newport, Rhode Island, and has been fishing the waters off Newport, Block Island, Narragansett Bay and the off-shore waters of the south coast for over 20 years. A Newport resident, he has extensive knowledge of the southern New England waters; and prides himself on finding fish and ensuring his customers leave with a great hands on, educational fishing experience. A winner of the “On the Water” Striper Cup, Monster Shark Tournament and Run and Gun Bluefin Shoot Out, Fluke Till ya Puke, and Fall Tog Classic, captain Rob steams to where the fish are biting. Captain Rob has been featured On the Water TV and Season on the Edge with Ken Baldwin. Although he is busy commercial and charter fishing, in his free time he is surf casting at his new secret fishing spot, to find out where and when the big bass are – locations he will come in to the rocks for his fishing charters.
Shockwave Ambassador Brendan Morrison

Brendan Morrison

Reel West Coast TV

Brendan grew up in Vancouver, BC, Canada and developed a love for fishing at an early age. A career in the NHL delayed his full time fishing career but now he has more time to get out on the water! Currently, Brendan is the host of Reel West Coast and has had the privilege to fish waters around the world. Brendan views fishing as therapy and as a time to connect to the outdoors while disconnecting from the instant demands of today’s world. Chasing fish in the ocean, rivers or lakes brings many different challenges that are unique to each location. Brendan describes the adrenaline rush from a fish biting your presentation as electric and his goal is to encourage people of all ages, to get out on the water and experience that feeling to create lifelong memories.

Trey Baker

Southbound Tournament Fishing Charters

Capt. Trey Baker was born and raised in Pensacola Fl. Unlike most guides , Capt Trey wasn’t born into a fishing family. It wasn’t until the age of 16 that he really started saltwater fishing. After a couple years he got very competitive and started a fishing team in college. Playing sports his whole life made him a competitor and wanting to be the best at things he cared about. The first year fishing as a team they placed in a few inshore tournaments. The following year he started offshore fishing and never looked back.
Shockwave Ambassador Tim Milne

Tim Milne

Big Coast TV

From an auspicious start fishing the bass, pike and muskie lakes of Northern Ontario, Milne has spent the past two decades plying his angling passion on the West Coast of British Columbia. From Haida Gwaii to Vancouver Island, Milne and his Big Coast TV Crew have chased trophy Chinook salmon and a veritable saltwater buffet inshore, offshore and anywhere a big aluminum boat will take you. As a veteran TV producer, Milne and company fish salmon and tuna derbies through summer months in Pacific Northwest and rock the Big Coast every chance they get! Big Coast – the very best in saltwater sportfishing TV adventure from the Wild West Coast.

Jeremy Reeves

Elite Fishing Series Angler

Jeremy Reeves has been fishing Tournaments since he was 15 years old: Mostly Saltwater chasing Redfish, but has been known to go after the occasional Large Mouth Bass from time to time. His love for the elusive tournament sized Redfish (Red Drum) began back in 2007 during his first major tournament on his home waters of Sabine Lake. Since that day, he’s been hooked and currently fishes the Elite Fishing Series Solo Tour (much like BassMaster Elites). Soon, he will transition into an MLF style format for Redfish, which is sure to test his patience and skill! Traveling all along the Gulf of Mexico coastlines can definitely test your equipment and your body. That’s why Jeremy chooses the Shockwave S5 Seat mounted to a Shockwave Sentinel (now S5-AL) Base to ease tensions within the body during those long runs through the gnarly bays of Texas and Louisiana.

Travis White

Keweenaw Charter Fishing Company

Travis grew up surrounded by the outdoors in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and has been fishing the Northern Great Lakes for over 20 years. His fishing business, Keweenaw Charter Fishing Company, is located in Michigan’s historic Keweenaw Peninsula, surrounded by Lake Superior, the largest freshwater lake in the world. Travis specializes in targeting trout and salmon species.

Adam Petnuch

Reel Dream Fishing Charters

Adam Petnuch caught the love for fishing in the north woods of Wisconsin when he was just a kid. His dad took him fishing up there on the weekends. When he was 21, he moved to Florida to follow his dream of starting a fishing charter business! He applied for his USCG Captains license at the age of 22 and started his business in 2016. Reel Dream Fishing Charters is based out of Saint Augustine FL and they fish around 100+ days per year offshore on the Atlantic Ocean. These waters can become extremely rough and take a toll on Adam and his crew after days on the water! The Shockwave suspension bases provide comfort to Adam’s crew and customers for our 60+ mile runs to the fishing grounds. Their 32-foot Grady White is equipped with nothing but the best for their customers, including Shockwave’s suspension bases.

Mike Barksdale

Fish On Extreme

Mike Barksdale has been on a boat since he was a toddler with his parents, fishing primarily off the Oregon coast. They fished for salmon, rockfish, and sturgeon. When Mike turned 16, he ventured off on his own with the boat and went offshore to catch whatever he could get to bite my hooks. He turned my passion for fishing into a business, and started guiding in 2005. Mike’s reward is not financially driven: His reward is being able to share memorable fishing experiences with his clients. He gets the same feeling watching a client catch a fish, as he does when he catches a fish himself. He loves what he does and hopes to continue sharing his love of fishing for years to come through his guiding business – Fish On Extreme. He currently fishes the waters in Neah Bay/Pacific Ocean from March-May, catching Chinook; and the waters in Washington/Pacific Ocean from June-October fishing Halibut, Sturgeon, Salmon, Tuna, Rockfish, and Crab; and in the Columbia River fishing Salmon & Sturgeon.

Mark Coleman

All Rivers and Saltwater Charters

Mark Coleman is a lifetime fisherman and diver whose passion led to starting a fishing guide and charter service in Washington State at the age of 23. 16 years later, his operations include a fleet of 29’-42’ Defiance boats in Washington and an operation at Los Suenos Marina in Costa Rica, Central America.

Corbin hames

Corbin Hames is a Southern California native who started freshwater fishing at a young age fishing his local lakes a few times a week. He started fishing the local bass tournaments until Southern California drought conditions lowered lake levels and he shifted his focus to saltwater fishing. He now fishes his commercial Radon boat offshore out of Channel Islands and Ventura. He typically fishes the Channel Islands which is known for flat seas going out and big following seas back to shore. However, in the summer he ventures down south to San Clemente, Catalina, and San Nicholas Island when bluefin and other pelagics are around. Some of the offshore runs for pelagics can be 100 miles each way, making it a 14-16 hour day on the water. On these long offshore runs the conditions often change quickly and can make for a long ride home in some pretty rough conditions. This is where his new Shockwave seats play a huge role in keeping him and his passengers comfortable for the long haul in.

Kevin Payne

Spending almost his entire life in Southeast Michigan, Kevin Payne has been in the midst of some of the greatest fishing in the world. Calling the Detroit River and Lake Erie his home waters which allows for months each year of chasing walleye in the greatest spawning run in the river and the greatest population of walleye in the lake. Just to the north, Lake St. Clair is also reachable and the Smallmouth Bass mecca as well as probably the best Musky fishery in the world. The St. Clair River and Saginaw Bay and Lake Huron also play into the mix as well as cold water species in Lake Michigan and Traverse Bay. All of these are BIG water and the Shockwave S5’s on his Ranger 620 FS make life much easier than in years past. Kevin has been tournament fishing since the 90’s in the Michigan Walleye Tour, Downriver Walleye Federation, Team Walleye, and other trails and events as well. A dedicated multi-species fisherman, he started fishing the tours with his father and now continuing the tradition fishing with his son Travis.

Team Barton

Cody and Charlie Barton fish nurmerous tournaments in Texas and Louisiana every year. They were recently named 2019 Rudy’s Redfish Series Team of the Year as well as 2019 Legends Team of the Year. This year, they were invited to fish the Redfish World Series and ended up 10th out of 50 teams from all over the US. Moreover, they were named 2020 IFA Texas Team of the Year!

Ryan Chamberland

Vancouver Island Lodge

Ryan Chamberland has been working on guiding in the sport fishing industry and working in marine stewardship activities on the west coast since 20 years old, giving him plenty of experience in the marine environment and industry.  Ryan founded the Vancouver Island Lodge in 2014 in his hometown of Sooke, providing fishing packages to clients from around the world.  Ryan also started Ryan Sea Marine which encompasses working with T’Sou-ke Nation’s Marine and Guardian Team, Coastal Restoration Society in a multitude of environmental related projects, and boat building.  When Ryan is not working, he is typically chasing pelagic fish in Tofino, Nova Scotia, and Mexico between rounds of golf.

Adrian O’Connor

Reel Obsession Sport Fishing

Adrian spends almost 200 days a year as a fishing guide on Vancouver Island based in Zeballos. His uncle invited him to Zeballos 16 years ago and it has been his home every summer since; that’s how his career started. Now it’s his turn to pass the rod over. He runs Reel Obsession with world class guided fishing for Salmon, Halibut, Tuna, and Rock Fish. They are uniquely located in the migration path of the Chinook salmon, Reel Obsession features career guides steeped in the local fishery resulting in consistent big catches backed with world-class service and accommodation.

Scott Bulat

Bulat Outdoors

Scott has been an avid angler from a young age. He grew up in Alberta spending the weekends fishing at his family cottage. He was very passionate about fishing from a young age and this grew deeper as he grew older. Now he enjoys taking new fishermen out and especially likes getting children out on the water and getting them hooked on fishing. Scott is involved in the local fishing community sharing lots of information, such as tips and tricks in sporting goods and fishing stores. This summer will be his 3rd year competing in the Western Canadian Walleye Trail in Northern Alberta.
Shockwave Pro Staff Wade Dayley

Wade Dayley

Bear Cove Cottages Fishing Destination

Wade has had a passion for fishing his entire life. Growing up in Port Hardy, he’s spent over 25 years fishing in and around Port Hardy. This passion is what lead him to build his own fishing resort and opened Bear Cove Cottages in 2002. Now 18 years later him and his top notch guides continue to provide first class experiences and life long fishing memories to all of their guests. Port Hardy and it’s fishing grounds is located on one of the last migration points for all 5 salmon species on the northern tip of Vancouver Island. The area is also well known for it’s fantastic Halibut, Lingcod and Rockfish fishing.

Gibran White

Reel Obsession Sport Fishing

Gibran has been both a fresh and saltwater fishing guide starting at the early age of 18 and has done that for 35 years now, still operating and living on Vancouver Island. Gibran is currently the Head Guide for Reel Obsession Sport Fishing, located in the heart of Zeballos. Reel Obsession operates a fleet of fully guided offshore boats on the west coast and offers everything from light tackle in-shore buck tailing for large Coho to 50 mile off shore Albacore tuna trips as well as everything in between. Gibran takes great pride in being able to share his knowledge and experience with the youth of our industry of tomorrow, both through the training of younger up and coming guides as well as taking his own kids and their friends fishing on a regular basis. Gibran is heavily involved with enhancement and habitat projects up and down the island, including community-based volunteer projects, which again involve dealing with and educating our youth of the importance of maintaining and managing the future of wild salmon stocks on Vancouver Island and as an active member of SFAC.

Interested in becoming part of our pro-staff team?

Reach out if you are interested in working with us!

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